Proposals are due April 15, 2017
Thematic Sessions
60-80 minute sessions addressing the conference theme or other ATE interests are scheduled for August 6-8. These sessions may include the application of research, position papers, descriptions of existing programs/practices, or innovation in teacher education. Proposals of the following types are encouraged.
A. Multiple Paper Format: This type of thematic session provides an opportunity for authors to present a synopsis of their work. The planning committee will group two-three papers of a related topic or theme for 60-80 minutes. Each paper will be given approximately 20-25 minutes to present, followed by a 10-15 minute question-and-answer session.
B. Roundtable Format: Roundtables are informal sessions during which one or more presenters is seated at a table to discuss works-in-progress that may not be ready for formal presentation. The planning committee will group papers of a related topic or theme. Tables are numbered to allow conference attendees to easily identify an individual presenter’s session. Each discussion lasts 50 minutes.
C. Research Sessions: Two – three research papers will be grouped by related topics or themes in 60-80 minute sessions scheduled on July 31 or August 1. Research papers are presented in approximately 15-20 minute time segments. A Discussant will provide a response at the conclusion of the presentations. If a proposal is accepted a written paper or research report MUST be submitted to the Discussant by July 15, 2017.
D. Laptop/Poster Sessions: Poster/Laptop sessions allow for the discussion of scholarly research and/or practice addressing teacher education with conference participants in an informal scholarly environment. (All posters must be self-standing.) Tables are numbered to allow conference attendees to easily identify an individual presenter’s poster. Each discussion lasts 50 minutes.
Proposal Format:
Proposals must be submitted by April 15, 2017. Please read the information on this page in its entirety to better understand the requirements and guidelines for the proposal submission. Each proposal, regardless of session type, must be submitted as a Microsoft Word document and e-mailed as two attached documents: (A) Cover Page and (B) Abstract for Thematic Presentation, including all required information as stated below, to
A. Cover Page:
1. Title of the Session
2. Type of Session: Identify as one of the following: Multiple Paper, Research Session, Roundtable, or Laptop/Poster Session.
3. Session Organizer: Name, title, institution, e-mail and mailing addresses, fax number, and telephone number.
4. Additional Presenters: Same information as Session Organizer
5. Subject Descriptors: Identify the conference strand this presentation most closely relates to and include three one-or-two word descriptors for the subject index.
6. Teacher Educator Standards: Select the appropriate Teacher Educator Standard(s) that aligns with your submission: 1) Teaching; 2) Cultural Competence; 3) Scholarship; 4) Professional Development; 5) Program Development; 6) Collaboration; 7) Public Advocacy; 8) Teacher Education Profession; 9) Vision. See ATE Website ( for more complete descriptions.
7. Summary for Conference Program: Describe the session in thirty words or less for use in the conference program. Be precise in describing the content of the session to aid attendees in selecting topics relevant to their interests. Proposals that do not include this summary or go beyond the thirty-word limit summary may not be considered. If the summary exceeds the 30- word limit, the program committee may edit it prior to the conference.
8. ATE Participation and Professional Role: Please identify your professional role (e.g., college or university faculty member, college or university administrator, graduate student, classroom teacher, preK-12 administrator) and level of ATE involvement (member, non-member, conference newcomer).
Please note that all proposals are blind-reviewed and that this information will in no way affect the status of your proposal but will be used for scheduling accepted proposals and for communicating with presenters about other role-specific opportunities offered via ATE.
B. Abstract of Presentation
Thematic Presentation
1. Title
2. Type of Presentation: (Multiple Paper, Roundtable, Research Session or Laptop/Poster Session)
3. Teacher Educator Standard(s)
4. Objective(s) of the Presentation
5. Relationship to Conference Theme/Strands
6. Content of Presentation (no more than 1,000 words, including methodology and literature review when appropriate)
7. Relevance or Implications of Topic
8. Participant Outcomes
The committee may not review a proposal that does not follow this format. Proposals will be reviewed on the basis of how well each component of the abstract is addressed in the submission.
Due Dates and Submission:
Proposals must be submitted by April 15, 2017. Proposals are submitted thru the ATE Summer Conference page on the ATE Website.