My Teaching Philosophy
Lincoln’s example of unalterable determination has
always provided an inspirational role model for my life.
From the earliest moments, I can recall I have always wanted
to make a difference and I have always believed that if I
worked diligently, someday I would have the opportunity to
serve in some meaningful way. While the manner in which
I thought I could make the greatest difference varied
somewhat during my youth, by my early twenties, I knew
without any doubt that the profession I had been searching
for was teaching.
So for the last several years, I have gathered degrees in
multiple subject areas from universities across the country
working as a professional educator in widely different
educational environments all with the hope that I would
eventually, acquire the knowledge and skills which would enable me to empower those around me. To date, this is what I have discovered.
First and foremost experience has taught me that teaching and learning are not mutually dependent terms. I could be the greatest teacher in the world, but that does not guarantee that my students will learn. This symbiotic relationship, like a beautiful piece of music, only works when both parties are actively engaged and committed to the experience.
As a educaotr, I endeavor to engage, challenge, and inspire growth in each of my students. Every class heralds an exciting new adventure as I strive to tailor the pacing, curriculum and engagement opportunities of my courses to the interests and abilities of my students. I consciously design my classes to stretch my students in many ways, engaging them in critical thinking, encouraging them to challenge fundamental questions regarding power, justice, and equality, with the summative measurement being a student’s success in his or her capacity to critically engage the course content from a variety of perspectives and practical applications.
All of my learning activities and related measurement modalities are utilized with the understanding that I am more interested in developing a student’s capacity to think and apply rather than just reply or reiterate. There is also no “one size fits all” way to measure learning, thus, my various assessments (formative or summative) often vary significantly ranging from traditional written or oral exams to performance-based assessments such as student conducted research projects, case studies analysis, web quests, book blogs, class debates, even role-playing, and professional e-folio design.
Encouraging a sense of ownership and involvement is very important to student learning so I typically assign multiple students to start each class period with a thought-provoking article or current event. I also provide multiple opportunities for student-led lessons, UDL presentations and peer/self-reflection discussions to encourage my students to recognize the importance of continually challenging themselves. And I or my students invite guest speakers from local schools and community-based organizations to share real-life examples that offer fresh insights and opportunities for learning, self-awareness, and improved understanding and application.
Experience has also taught me that nothing is more meaningful than connecting the theory and research we discuss in class to what the students are seeing and doing in their internships and practicums. Whether it is a community-based service-learning project at a local school, or a research project with a professor from another department, or even an experiential learning activity that extends an idea or topic we are discussing in class, all opportunities to connect and apply are consistently and whole-heartedly encouraged.
I challenge my students to share opinions with each other and to learn the power of collaboration. I also encourage them to consistently ask questions. To me, it is invaluable that we model for our students that no one has all the answers but if we are persistent, inquisitive and tenacious there is very little that we cannot discover together. I want them to actively and critically engage; to challenge norms and to understand that anything is possible if they realize that mistakes and failure do not define success they are simply part of the process of innovation and transformative learning.
It is my belief that if genuine, self-motivated, lifelong learning is to take place, students must increase in knowledge and wisdom; transformative learning that empowers them to look beyond themselves, to become informed and active citizens in this diverse, global community. And I hold myself to that same standard. I consistently endeavor to become skilled in both thinking and doing, consciously striving to help those around me to have the same desire, awareness and acknowledged accountability for the collective greater good.
There is no more rewarding a profession, no greater opportunity for reciprocal learning and growth, and nothing I would rather pursue than the journey of educational excellence that I embark on each year with my students and fellow educators.