Served as the Chair for the National Association of Teacher Educators (ATE) Technology Committee.
Served as the State Board Executive Secretary for the Arkansas Association of Teacher Educators
Served as the Chair for Arkansas Tech Universities (ATU’s) Building Better Future Committee
Served as ATU’s Faculty Adviser for the National Education Association (NEA) Student Chapter.
Managed the Fairfax Transition to Teaching Partnership (FTT), a year-long clinical teacher preparation partnership between Fairfax County Public Schools (middle and high schools) and The George Washington University; coordinating issues related to preparing a cohort of 22+ individuals transitioning from other professions (architects, businessmen, lawyers, etc.) to become highly qualified secondary education teachers.
Higher Education: (Undergraduate and Graduate)
Currently working as an online adjunct professor for BYU Pathway Worldwide
Worked as an Assistant Professor of Curriculum and Instruction for Arkansas Tech University; teaching, supervising, serving in various leadership positions, conducting research, etc.
Worked as a visiting Assistant Professor of Education at BYU-Hawaii; teaching various education courses as well as supervising student teachers and working in a variety of other professional capacities.
Five years teaching and working for The George Washington University in Washington, DC in various capacities (Project director for the FTT teacher residency program (MA Secondary Education), course instructor for various subjects [on-line and face to face], university supervisor for pre-service teachers [DC, MD and VA], research associate, and teaching assistant).
Consultant: (Higher Ed, K-12, Government, NGO's, Private Sector)
Served on the L.D.S. Church’s Curriculum Resource Committee. (2016-2020)
Co-designed a language revitalization program for the Miccosukee Tribe, creating standards, assessments, and curriculum guides
Conducted workshops and training regarding (state, national and international):
Technology (ATE, ATU, and others)​
Paxis I and II assessments
Praxis 111 and Charlotte Danielson's Revised Framework (TESS)
Cognitive Academic Language Learning Approach (CALLA)
Response to Intervention (RTI) and Individualized Education Program (IEP's)
Universal Design for Learning (UDL)
International Level:
Taught online ESL courses to Chinese students through WISE Online
​Served on the National Association of Teacher Educator’s (ATE) Commission on Social Justice and Access to Equitable Education in the Global Community. On this commission I serve with academics from around the U.S. designing, deploying, and disseminating research on effective teacher education programs and practices from around the world.
Currently serving as a member of the Journal of Research in Childhood Education (JRCE) Editorial Board which is comprised of an international board that reviews empirical research from all regions of the world on various topics related to children.
Previous to the appointment to serve on the JRCE editorial board I served on the Association of Childhood Education International (ACEI) Research Committee.
Currently serving as a member of the Early Childhood Development Task Force (ECDtf) of the Global Partnership on Children with Disabilities (GPcwd) where we review, discuss and advocate for a variety of global issues related to children with special needs.
Federal Level:
Currently serving as a grant program reviewer for the U.S. Department of Education reviewing grants for CEVSS, SSS, STEP etc.
Worked on a graduate research project with Kathleen Leos, the Deputy Secretary of Education and Director of OELA (Office of English Language Acquisition) in Washington, DC.
State Level:
​Served as the Board Executive Secretary for the Arkansas Association of Teacher Educators.
Worked as the educational adviser/executive assistant to Dr. Rich Kendall, Governor Leavitt’s Deputy for Education in Salt Lake City, Utah.
High and Middle School Levels (7-12):
​Ten+ years supervising undergraduate and graduate student teachers in multiple subject areas (ESL, Physics, English, Math, Chemistry, SS, SPED, PE, Music) at various school levels (7-12), and in different states (Virginia, Maryland, Washington D.C., Hawaii and Arkansas)
Elementary school levels (K-6):
​Ten years teaching in both general education classrooms and school specialist positions (ESL, Reading, and Math) experiencing a wide variety of unique educational programs: CELL (Balanced Literacy)/Reading Recovery, Sheltered, Transitional Bilingual and Dual Language Immersion, site-based ED classrooms, gifted and talented, year-round, multi-tracks, fully virtual, block schedules, Title I, Community Based Schools, Professional Learning Community Model, Head Start/Pre-K Special Ed.