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Junior Primary Learning Activity

Our Divine Destiny and Responsibility as Children of God: 
"Do It" 
Moses 1:4-6

Presentation (Phase 2) “Know/Testimony”


1) Following the opening activities (outlined on the main page) if there is space in the room, invite the children to come and sit on the rug beside you. Small children need opportunities for movement.



2) Show them the picture of Jesus and the baby (pictured right) and ask them what they think today’s lesson is going to be about?



3) Explain that we are going to watch a short video about one of our favorite songs and invite them to listen closely to what the Spirit teaches them as they watch it.



4) After the video, discuss with the children what they learned; ask them what impressions came to their mind as they were watching the video. Write their answers on the board



5) Ask the children what they remember about the story of Moses. Show them a picture of Moses talking with God and the 10 commandments. Ask them if they know any of the original commandments given to Moses? Write their answers on the board.



6) Have the children return to their seats at the table. Have the older children (5-7) open their scriptures to Moses Chapter 1 in the Pearl of Great Price. The smaller ones can follow along with the teacher. Explain that Moses Chapter 1 is one of the sections in the scriptures that help us to understand that we are the spirit children of a loving Heavenly Father and that we have been created in His image just like we sang about in the song, “I am a Child of God.”



7) Next, read, analyze, and personalize Moses 1: 4-6.  Ask the children what it means to them to know that they are children of God?  Share your own testimony (personal example - click for larger view) of how you know Heavenly Father knows you individually and loves you as His child.


And, behold, thou art my son; wherefore look, and I will show thee the workmanship of mine hands; but not all, for my works are without end, and also my words, for they never cease. Therefore, no man can behold all my works, except he behold all my glory; and no man can behold all my glory, and afterwards remain in the flesh on the earth. And I have a work for thee, Moses, my son; and thou art in the similitude of mine Only Begotten; and mine Only Begotten is and shall be the Savior, for he is full of grace and truth; but there is no God beside me, and all things are present with me, for I know them all.



8) Have the children stand up and turn to a "elbow" partner and share their own testimonies about how they know that Heavenly Father loves them.



9) Next, have the children read together the Chorus from I am a Child of God (chart paper, chalk board, etc)


Lead me, guide me, walk beside me,

Help me find the way.

Teach me all that I must do

To live with him someday.



10) Have the children return to their seats. Ask the children if they know who wrote the song? Explain that when Naomi Randall wrote the song the last sentence read, “Teach me all that I must know,” but when President Spencer W. Kimball read it, he suggested changing know to do. Ask the children to look at this picture of our latter-day prophets – from Joseph Smith to President Monson - and point out which one is President Kimball? ( 12th prophet) Ask them if they know any stories about President Kimball?



11) Ask the children why they thought President Kimball would change the word know to do?  Write their responses on the board. Ask them what they think the difference is between knowing and doing and can they think of something that they know is right but that they don’t always do?



12) Explain that one of President Spencer W. Kimball’s favorite things to say was - “Do It." Share with them Elder Rasband's testimony about this phrase (click on picture for a larger view)



13) In conclusion, discuss with the children what they think Heavenly Father wants us, as His spirit children to do? Invite them to show how they might demonstrate love for someone in their family (mom, dad, sibilings)? What are different ways that they could show love for their Heavenly Father and want to be like Him? Have them role play their idea or simply act it out. 




Practice (Phase 3) Activity “Do/Conversion”


1) Hand each of the children a shield which has I Am A Child of God on front and Do It on the back


2) Explain that they are going to draw a picture of one thing they will do this week to show Heavenly Father that they love Him and want to be like Him. Play "I will go and do..." while they are working on their pictures.


3) As the children are drawing their picture the teacher can go around to each of them and fill in the following note for them to take home to their family based on what they have selected to focus on for the week:


Today I learned about Moses Chapter 1 and my divine destiny and responsibility as a child of god. To apply this new knowledge I am going to: ________________________________to show Heavenly Father that I love Him and want to be like Him.



Multi-Media Elements
I am a Child of God - Moses 1:4-6
I am a Child of God Video
Testimony: I know my Heavenly Father Knows and Love Me
12th Prophet of the Church - Spencer W. Kimball
Elder Rasband's Testimony
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