Senior Primary Learning Activity
Our Divine Destiny and Responsibility as Children of God:
"Our Work"
Moses 1:39
Presentation Phase - "Know/Testimony"
1) Following the opening activities (outlined on the main page) if there is space in the room, invite the children to come and sit on the rug beside you.
2) Show them the picture of Jesus and the children and ask them if they know where in the scriptures we find out that we are Children of God.
3) Invite volunteers to come up front and share their testimonies regarding how knowing that they are Children of God affects their actions; what they choose to do.
4) Have the children return to their seats and ask them where in our scriptures can we find the Pearl of Great Price? Invite them to open their scriptures to the first book. Have them discuss as a group what they know about the story of Moses. Show them the pictures of Moses and the timeline to give them some context.
5) Ask them if they know how we have these particular chapters about Moses and where they technically should have gone in the bible? (Genesis 19). Testify of the importance of the doctrine we learn about in Moses chapter 1 and the blessing that that we receive from this knowledge that we are Children of a loving Heavenly Father, and that His entire focus/"work and glory" is that we will one day return to his presence and live with Him eternally.
6) Next ask for a volunteer to read Moses 1:39. Ask the children what they think this passage means. Ask them how it makes them feel to know that Heavenly Father's entire purpose is to make sure that his children return home.
7) Explain to the children we are going to watch a short video with Elder Bednar discussing Moses 1:39 and that they should listen closely to what the Spirit teaches them as they watch it.
8) After the video, discuss with the children what they learned. Ask them what impressions came to their mind as they were watching it. Write their answers on the board.
9) Next, invite one of the children to read Elder Bednar's quote:
One of the most well-known and frequently cited passages of scripture is found in Moses 1:39. This verse clearly and concisely describes the work of the Eternal Father: “For behold, this is my work and my glory—to bring to pass the immortality and eternal life of man” (emphasis added).
A companion scripture found in the Doctrine and Covenants describes with equal clarity and conciseness our primary work as the sons and daughters of the Eternal Father. Interestingly, this verse does not seem to be as well known and is not quoted with great frequency. “Behold, this is your work, to keep my commandments, yea, with all your might, mind and strength” (D&C 11:20; emphasis added).
Thus, the Father’s work is to bring to pass the immortality and eternal life of His children. Our work is to keep His commandments with all of our might, mind, and strength—and we thereby become chosen and, through the Holy Ghost, receive and recognize the tender mercies of the Lord in our daily lives."
10) Have the students work with a partner to make a list of the "commandments" they think we, as spirit children of Heavenly Father are supposed to keep. Then discuss their responses as a group and ask for a volunteer to write their answers on the board.
11) Compare and contrast the answers the children give with the following website
12) Share your testimony regarding one of the commandments you will do better wit for this week.
Practice Phase "Do/Conversion"
1) From the list on the board have students open their notebooks/journals and title the page, “Our Divine Destiny and Responsibility as Children of God."
2) Next, have them choose one of the commandments listed on the board and describe:
-which commandment they are going to do better with this week, and
-how they are going to do it.
For the younger children (8-10) you could have a piece of paper with this already written (below)
Today I learned about Moses Chapter 1 and my divine destiny and responsibility as a child of God. One thing I am going to work on this week to show Heavenly Father that I love Him and want to keep His commandments is: ____________________ because____________________________________