Integrated Technology
Present regularly at various AACE conferences (Edmedia, E-Learn, SITE, etc) on integrated technology and teacher education
Designed websites to improve communication and collaboration with ATE faculty across the country as well as a website for ATE's 2017 summer conference in Pittsburg (still developing)
Developed informal research surveys for course/program improvement (Mentimeter, Google Forms-survey, Kahoot, etc.)
Created election polls, calculated results and disseminated findings as part of my leadership with ArATE, NEA-SP (Google forms, Survey Monkey)
Designed as well as re-designed courses (online and face to face) based on student, faculty and administrative feedback (ATU courses, GWU and BYU-Hawaii courses)
Created a service learning and a school resources wiki where students could show case their projects
Developed a basic recruiting survey for new NEA-SP officer positions
Designed a variety of learning surveys for my university courses (Peer [Q/A], Self [Q/A], Metacognition)
Created various blogs to dissiminate information and enable reflection and improved awareness (guest speakers [teachers, principals, ESL specialists, parents], school visits, principal's panel, lesson plan design, phonic sources, etc)
As part of my role on ATE's Global Social Justice Committee I designed and deployed a Global Teacher Education Survey and then disseminated the research results at the 2017 ATE conference in Orlando - collected preliminary data for this project using google docs and padlet
As part of my role on ACEI's Research Committee I designed and deployed an International Parent Involvement inf Education Survey and then disseminated the research results in a collaborative presentation at the 2016 ACEI conference in Costa Rica (my slides are 13-41)
Re-designed a special education webquest for several of my diversity courses
Examples of my use of social media for teaching include: Class Facebook pages (Language and Literacy, ECED 3283, Educating Diverse Learners, SEED 4052, Twitter, Blogging, Class newsletter (Publisher)
Facilitated multiple ATE Technology Workshops, National and Summer Conferences (Conducted with Dr. Minnie Young), (Chicago, IL and Louisville, KY)
ATU Professional Development Day for Faculty, Conducted a Technology Workshop w/Dr. Mohamed Ibrahim, (Arkansas),
ATU Teaching Innovation Conference, Conducted a Technology Workshop w/Dr. Mohamed Ibrahim (Arkansas)
Every class I teach contains numerous integrated technological components in the instruction, application and production phases of teaching the course.